Tooth Extractions – Midland, TX
Necessary Care for Healthier Smiles
At Boyles General Dentistry & Implant Center, we don’t extract teeth willy-nilly. We believe that every tooth that can be saved should be saved; however, we also know that some smiles are better off if troubled teeth are taken out entirely. If this happens to you, our compassionate team can guide you through the process of tooth extraction so you have the best possible experience. To learn more about this treatment, keep reading and then contact us to schedule a consultation if you would like more information.
Why Choose Boyles General Dentistry & Implant Center for Tooth Extractions?
- Sedation Options Available for Complete Comfort
- Replacement Dental Implants Placed and Restored Under 1 Roof
- Caring Team of Professionals with Years of Experience
Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Although a tooth extraction is typically considered a last resort, in many instances it may be the best or only treatment option available. Some of these situations include the following:
- A tooth is too severely damaged, cracked, or decayed to be restored with a dental crown.
- A tooth is impacted, which means it’s prevented from erupting through the gums normally.
- Wisdom teeth are coming in at an unsafe angle or overcrowding the arch.
- The patient has advanced periodontal disease.
If we recommend tooth extraction for you, we will always provide an explanation the reasons behind our recommendation. We will also take the time to answer any of your questions.
The Process of Removing a Tooth

Although the overall objective is the same in any tooth extraction—remove the tooth—the way we go about accomplishing it may vary from case to case. Regardless, however, we make sure that you feel comfortable and pain-free by using a local anesthetic and sedation. Then, depending on where the tooth is located and whether it’s erupted or not, we can use one of two approaches. For teeth that are above the gums, we use dental pliers and gently rock the tooth to loosen it from the socket. When the tooth is submerged under the gum tissue, we make a small incision and most often break the tooth into smaller pieces, making it easier to take out of the jawbone. Once we’ve extracted the tooth, we place gauze over the site and allow your body to start the healing process.
Tooth Extraction Aftercare

After an invasive procedure like a tooth extraction, it’s important to follow our instructions. Neglecting to take care of the site or starting to resume normal activities too soon can lead to complications or infections like dry socket, which is very painful. Here are some of the basics that we’ll explain to you in person:
- Make sure you have clean gauze on the extraction site, replacing it every few hours.
- Allow a blood clot, which protects the tissues underneath, to form over the site.
- Rest for a few days and refrain from rigorous activities.
- Eat soft foods (like oatmeal, yogurt, and ice cream) for a few days after the procedure.
- Do not use a straw or smoke for at least 48 hours because the sucking motion could remove the clot.
After you’ve had a chance to heal, we can then discuss your replacement options, if necessary.